
Selected EUscreen content published under Creative Commons licenses.

Licht 18/18
Licht 18/18
In Licht van Toneelgroep Amsterdam (tekst en regie: Gerardjan Rijnders) staat het Bijbelverhaal van de bekering van Saulus tot Paulus centraal. De voorstel... (04:20) 24 Dec 1996
Liefhebber 01/10
Liefhebber 01/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (03:46) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 02/10
Liefhebber 02/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (04:25) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 03/10
Liefhebber 03/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (02:46) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 04/10
Liefhebber 04/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (02:59) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 05/10
Liefhebber 05/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (03:53) 31 Mar 2000
Liefhebber 06/10
Liefhebber 06/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (04:16) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 07/10
Liefhebber 07/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (04:45) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 08/10
Liefhebber 08/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (02:58) 31 Mar 1992
Liefhebber 09/10
Liefhebber 09/10
Buff (Liefhebber), the theatre critic, comes home after another bad performance. He’s made up his mind. He’s never going to the theatre again and he doesn’t... (02:51) 31 Mar 1992

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Results from complete repository (10,355)

700 jaar stad - historische optochten
700 jaar stad - historische optochten
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 33 uit 1937. (00:52) 08 Aug 1937
700 year existence
700 year existence
Week number 65-38Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:29) 01 Sep 1965
75 jaar bestaan van schietschool
75 jaar bestaan van schietschool
Weeknummer 30-04Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (00:24) 31 Jan 1930
75 years reclamation of the Haarlemmermeer
75 years reclamation of the Haarlemmermeer
Week number 27-16Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (00:46) 31 May 1927
75 jaar Leeuwarder veemarkt
75 jaar Leeuwarder veemarkt
Weekjournaal van Polygoon Hollands Nieuws van week 19 uit 1949. (01:02) 02 May 1949
75 jaar Leeuwarder veemarkt
75 jaar Leeuwarder veemarkt
Weeknummer 49-19Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (00:59) 28 Apr 1949
75 years of silent procession in Amsterdam
75 years of silent procession in Amsterdam
Week number 56-11Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (01:04) 03 Mar 1956
The 75 year existence of the Artis aquarium
The 75 year existence of the Artis aquarium
Week number 57-50Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:21) 02 Dec 1957
75 year existence of the cheese market in Woerden
75 year existence of the cheese market in Woerden
Week number 60-38Newsreels in which Dutch subjects of a certain week are presented. (02:08) 07 Sep 1960
75-jarig bestaan van GVB
75-jarig bestaan van GVB
Weeknummer 75-26Bioscoopjournaals waarin Nederlandse onderwerpen van een bepaalde week worden gepresenteerd. (01:33) 01 Jan 1975

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